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Insights & News

The Slowing Consumer Thumbnail

The Slowing Consumer

As we roll into the summer months of 2024, we are starting to see some evidence of a slowdown in the economy. One of the most important areas to monitor is consumer spending, as it accounts for almost 70% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product). Through the first half of this year, consumer numbers have weakened and some retailers are warning about a slowdown in spending. So far, the stock market has not been fazed by this, in hopes that a slowdown leads to lower inflation and lower interest rates from the Federal Reserve soon.

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Higher Inflation Affecting Fed's Plans Thumbnail

Higher Inflation Affecting Fed's Plans

So far 2024 has seen consistent higher than expected inflation numbers in several different readings. As mentioned in the newsletter at the end of 2023, the expectation was for the Federal Reserve to be cutting interest rates throughout this year as inflation continued to cool off towards the Fed’s preferred 2% target.

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2024 Off and Running Thumbnail

2024 Off and Running

The market has started 2024 off continuing the trend that ended 2023. Historically, having a positive January and February portends having a positive calendar year.

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Interest Rate Cuts Coming in 2024 Thumbnail

Interest Rate Cuts Coming in 2024

As we wrap up 2023, the Federal Reserve gave the markets an early Christmas present. During their December meeting they signaled an expectation of 3 interest rate cuts coming in 2024. Both the stock market and bond market exploded higher on this news in what investors view as a welcome relief from high interest rates.

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Still Waiting On That Year-End Rally Thumbnail

Still Waiting On That Year-End Rally

In my last newsletter I discussed some of the reasons why a year-end rally could take place in the stock market and the support levels I was watching. With where we stand today, a year-end rally may be starting this week after a further decline occurred in October.

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Year-End Rally Ahead? Thumbnail

Year-End Rally Ahead?

As we begin to turn the page on another month, and another quarter, the market enters the final quarter of the year on shaky ground. As was outlined in our last report, September- a historically poor month for the market- has seen the drop in the market continue. It’s beginning to close in on levels in the S&P 500 that a typical correction would drop to.

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